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  • Lindsey

Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Victory Lap

The Victory Lap!

After you have done all the miles and made some once in a lifetime memories, it's time to celebrate the magic! For us, that means a victory lap around Disney parks wearing our medals. Everyone celebrates differently, and this is our recap from our laps around Magic Kingdom and Epcot following the Walt Disney World half marathon and marathon.

First the Medal Photos!

These two princesses obviously love castle pics, but over time we seem to have developed a few other must haves along the way. It's always a good idea to take lots of photos that way you can add them to #medalmondays for weeks even months after the race weekend ends. It helps you relive the magic over and over! This year the wonderful photo pass photographers also added a little race magic to our photos. We loved having racing Minnie and Mickey in this year's celebration photos!

For this first portion of our victory celebration, photos speak louder than words, so hope you enjoy and maybe get some ideas for your own future Disney photos!

Castle Photos...

Pictures with Statues...

Epcot Bonus Photos...

Magic Kingdom Bonus Photos...

Disney Popcorn and A Sweet Treat.

It seems like as soon as you step foot in any Disney park, your sense of smell is immediately comsumed with the best smelling popcorn you could ever imagine. And you know what? I believe it might be the best popcorn imaginable as well. It is a staple and must have for me anytime I enter a Disney park. I have no idea how unhealthy that buttery goodness is; however, I just chalk this is up to one more reason to run! The more I run the more Disney popcorn I can eat, which I feel is a win-win situation all around.

My sister is more trendy, she likes sampling the "new" must haves that everyone buzzes about. This last trip, the must try we had to get was the Maple popcorn from the Canada Pavillion in Epcot. It was definitely tasty, I could have eaten more; however, for me it still didn't unseat the traditional popcorn in my "best popcorn ever" ranking. I would definitely give it a top 10 award though. Totally a top contender based on flavor and can't eat just one bite categories.

You are never too old for the carousel.

While snacks are great, we couldn't go to a Disney park without riding some rides. Pro tip, pull back your hair and try to lean away from the person in front of you otherwise you may not be recognizable in your ride photo. Case in point, anyone see me in the guardians ride photo below? I'm there just apparently incognito behind my hair!

At Magic Kingdom, we definitely enjoyed a little ride on the carousel, while we waited for our dining reservation. You are never too old for it!

Disney Dining Experience

Disney Dining Reservations are certainly an adventure all on their own. My sister has more experience with all things Disney, so she is typically the one that handles dining. We started our dining celebrations in 2023 after completing Dopey, so we wanted to continue the tradition. 60 days out, she scoured the My Disney Experience App to snag us a reservation at Yachtsman Steakhouse. You may be asking, well, that doesn't really look like Yachtsman to me, and... you would be right!

A last minute adjustment, and some fast fingers in the My Disney Experience App (iykyk) landed us at Be Our Guest Restaurant in Magic Kingdom. We arrived a few minutes early for check-in, and we waited, on the floor (a story for another day) to be seated.

Once seated, we ordered off the three course menu, watched the Beast do his rounds, and soaked in the moment. It was a little loud and we were a little tired, but we dined and discussed the weekend. A welcome way to end our victory lap.

This concludes part 1 of our Coast to Coast Challenge series, but don't worry part 2 is in the works and coming soon! We love hearing celebration stories, and encourage you to share your favorite ways to celebrate with us in the comments in the mean time.

As our favorite mouse would say, "See ya real soon!".

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