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  • Lindsey

Sips, Sprints, and a Sprinkle of Spice: A Disney Wine & Dine Two Course Challenge Tale

Updated: Mar 5

Once upon a grapevine in Walt Disney World, two sisters embarked on a deliciously daring task – to take on the 2018 Wine & Dine Two Course Challenge while one was 26 weeks pregnant. Join us for a whirlwind of training, expo antics, hotel stays, bathroom mishaps, rain-soaked half marathons, and triumphant finish line moments that will leave you cheering for more!

Training: Juggling Miles and Pickle Cravings

After successfully completing the Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend in 2018, both sisters had an itch for more racing. The adrenaline high was still in gear when race registration for the 2018 Wine & Dine Half Marathon opened, We snagged two challenge bibs, and we were set. Little did we know at the time, but we'd have another participant with us for racing very soon. So began training for a fall race with one sister rockin' an ever-growing baby on board.

With one sister sporting a baby bump and the other chasing PBs, training was a delightful dance of modified workouts and absurd cravings. From prenatal yoga to carb-loading sessions that rivaled royal feasts, they tackled miles and pickles with equal fervor.

As the long run mileage increased, so did the belly size. It soon became apparent that the 16 minute pace requirement may be an issue for momma to be. As the belly continued to grow, pace became less of a concern and just getting miles on mamma's legs became the priority.

While momma was huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf, her baby on board was using her pelvic floor like a trampoline enjoying every step of the way. Her sister literally ran circles around them to keep her heart rate up enough to prevent her watch from asking if she was finished with her workout. Sheesh, what a slow momma, but she stayed a happy and healthy one through training with regular checkins with the doctor to make sure training didn't have any adverse impacts to pregnancy.

Even though it was hard, there is no regret for the effort and time spent training. We even snuck in some training in the rain in preparation for Florida weather, since you never know what you are going to get race day. For some subtle foreshadowing, it came in handy! Running in ponchos is definitely more fun for photo ops than actually running for the record.

Expo Experience: Bibs, Baubles, and Belly Rubs

The expo was a bustling bazaar of running gear and baby bump blessings. Amidst the chaos, we gleefully collected our race bibs, snagged free samples, and took a ton of fun photos!

The thing about Wine & Dine is the whole theme of, you know, "wine" and "dine." We knew we would be focused more on the latter part of the weekend, but that didn't stop us from enjoying some non-alcholic tasty beverages at the expo. Six years later, and we still talk about the strawberry concoction we enjoyed sipping our way through the vendor booths.

Boy were momma's feet tired and swollen after the Expo, but do you think that stopped us from character dining after? No, not it did not! Embrace the magic! We headed over to the Magic Kingdom to have some delightful delicacies with the hundred acre wood crew. We had early reservations at Crystal Palace, and enjoyed the buffet thoroughly. Had to introduce baby Lucas to the classics early and pay homage to the inspiration for our 10K costumes! We finished up just in time for the sky to open up and we quickly purchased and donned the infamous and every so chic Disney ponchos.

While we have learned over the years to eat early, our excitement for being in Magic Kingdom had us not only making it to darkness, but late enough where we definitely were not set to get enough sleep for the race the following morning. #Rookiemistake at its finest. Although, we did snag a coveted popcorn bucket, which one sisiter still still has absolutely no regrets purchasing!

Hotel Stay at Port Orleans: Where Dreams Rest

Staying at Port Orleans again was like slipping back into a fairytale – complete with Southern charm and lush greenery. We indulged in Mickey-shaped treats, pre-race nerves, and plenty of belly rubs for the future Mouseketeer.

The 10K Race: Bathroom Breaks and Balloon Lady Scares

We woke up at 2:30 A.M. and the excitement of race day could not be contained. We were nervous about the 16 minute pace, but we had a plan! We just had to make it to Epcot, and we would hopefully be safe from sweepers even if the balloon ladies caught us. Our Winnie the Pooh and Piglet costumes, along with our normal gear, plus momma's belly support belt had all been laid out the night before which made getting ready an act of efficiency even while half asleep.

We arrived at the staging area on time, with no drama or delays that you so commonly hear about, and settled in to wait for the start. We had submitted a proof of time (achieved pre-pregnancy thank goodness) and had decent corral placement in C. Momma definitely received some looks at her round rumbly tumbly, with a lot of respect offered for what she was trying to accomplish at 26 weeks pregnant. The runDisney community is always so amazing in its support for fellow runners trying hard things.

When it was our turn for the iconic "3, 2, 1, go!", we dashed through the 10K course. Ok, maybe "dash" is a bit of an overstatement. We proceeded at a respectable waddle. We were feeling great and staying AHEAD of pace until disaster struck.

Even though there had been training, sometimes nature comes first. After mile 3 pregnant bladder kicked in and we got stuck at the dreaded bathroom line. For some reason, there were only 4 port-a-potties at this point in the race, and hydration activities seemed to hit a lot of people after mile 3, not just momma to be. Supply definite was not sufficient for demand. We waited, nervously as the line just didn't seem to move. We were inches from the aforementioned port-a-potties when we heard it, the yell you never want to hear, "balloons ladies are two minutes out, you need to get a move on!" I don't think either of us have ever used the restroom that fast before, and waddle or not, we had to kick it into gear.

Fear not, for we emerged victorious, albeit behind schedule. This is when momma found a new waddle speed that would have made Donald and Daisy proud. With the support and encouragement of her sister, momma waddled her way to a keep that 16 minute pace. While they ended up finishing just behind the balloon ladies, it was still such an epic win with one big epic photo with the balloon ladies to commemorate the occasion!!

The Half Marathon: Rainy Revelry and Forgotten Gear

As fun as the 10k had been, we had the half marathon looming the next day We spent the afternoon getting pedicures and chatting about our game plan for the next day. It was simple... there were certain sweep points that we had seen about on, of course Facebook, and we would plan strategically. It was doable, we could do it.... so easy. We skipped the park to give momma to be a rest and tried our best to be ready for the next day. The rain could be an issue, but we were hoping for the best.

The 2:30 AM alarm came too quick and the weather looked angry. It was a drizzling and cool morning. We still had hope. We packed our ponchos and boarded the bus. About halfway into our bus journey, one sister realized she had forgotten her gear to support her belly support band. We debated going back, but knew time would not allow.

Ever the optimist and lady with a plan, momma to be suggested we hit up the med tent to see if they could help. Bless them for trying to help secure the bump with ace wrap. A valiant effort, but no dice, unfortunately. The rain picked up, and the corrals became slippery. It was too dangerous to run with precious cargo on board.

With a sigh and a shrug, mamma to be made the brave decision to cut her race short at mile 1, riding the party bus to the finish line (a story for another day). She wished her sister a great race as she stepped into the first aid tent, and the other sister pressed on, embracing the soggy spectacle with gusto.

Just because momma to be was sidelined on the party bus, didn't mean she stopped supporting. She used the tracking app to monitor her sister's progress and sent obnoxiously positive and encouraging posts at big mile markers.

And as the triumphant sister crossed the finish line, soaked to the bone but smiling ear to ear, she knew she had conquered more than just miles – she had conquered the elements. To add a little pixie dust to an already shiny achievement it ended up being one of her personal best half marathons.

Post Race Party: Around the World in the Rain

Wine and Dine post race celebration was an all day affair. We started at Magic Kingdom, which has become our standard. We quickly learned how many rides had pregnancy warnings, which was more than we had even thought; however, that didn't slow down the fun. We enjoyed the Carousel, Dumbo, Haunted Mansion and character visits to pass the time. We even came across baymax, which was a bit awkward since he's not the warm and fuzzy come hug me type, but sometimes the awkward pics are the most fun anyway!

Now, Wine and Dine racing has one special perk offered to participants that no other races have to date, which is a post race party at Epcot. This is especially fun since it coincides with Epcot's food and wine celebration and gives racers a chance to partake in the fun without the general day time park crowd.

We were SO excited! We did check the weather, and as the previous night it looked a bit stormy. You never know with Florida weather though, so we thought it wouldn't be too bad. We were wrong. It stormed the entirety of the after party. Did we go home? Of course not! Embrace the magic!

Let it be known that the sister who had powered through the elements earlier that day was crashing... hard. Still, we wanted to make the most of the after-party. We had ponchos and umbrellas. How bad could it be? Those that know central Florida weather know where this is going. We ended up soaked to the bone. The one memory, minus being cold and soaked is from the American Pavilion. We took refuge from the storm briefly by eating a delicious lobter roll. My mouth is still watering thinking about it.


And so, dear readers, our tale comes to an end – but the memories of this rain-soaked adventure will live on in our hearts forever. The tale will not end here, one sister is looking to redeem herself by going back for seconds to complete this challenge in its entirety. The princess duo is planning and preparing an epic comeback in 2024! We know with registration right around the corner that this comeback journey may be starting soon. We are crossing all the things for a successful registration day. Until then, may your shoes be swift to carry you through your miles, your finish line memories filled with endless joy and laughter, and your journey be full of magic!

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