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How to Train a Goofy Dumbo Runner

Updated: Jan 28

How do you train a Goofy Dumbo runner and a Half Dumbo runner? You may be wondering this if you have read part 1 of how our Disney Coast to Coast Challenge tale started. That is a great question and is also what we wondered as we set out to determine how to train for back to back 20 mile+ weekends. We knew there were the obvious miles that we would put on our legs from races, but then there were the magic bonus miles that always accompany a Disney race that had to be accounted for in our plan. Whether it be the extra mile walk to the start, extra mile walk away from the finish line, or more importantly the victory laps that must be taken around the parks, we have found there is always a need to train with our whole race weekend schedule in mind. We have had race weekends when we have purposely and maybe sometimes not so purposely (hello undertraining) stayed out of the parks after a race, but hands down playing in the parks post race is definitely the preferred option for us. Through trial and many errors, we have figured out the right training for Disney races takes you a long way on the road to happiness on race day weekend.

So how did we find that magic spot of just enough training to make both weekends magical and avoid over training? First, we selected a plan that we trusted. For me it was Jeff Galloway's Goofy challenge plan. My sister and I are interval runners and Jeff got me through Dopey, so for Goofy in Galloway I continued to trust. My sister felt similarly, but she opted for the 19.3 challenge version then modified it slightly to align long runs with my plan. We ended up making some modifications, but more on that bit later.

Best way to test a plan is to start it. Training started in June of 2023. I felt strong and confident going into the 6 month training regime after achieving a personal best at the Texas Big Star Half in the spring during Disney off season. I had so much motivation and training mileage was low, so it was smooth sailing and easy wins. However, if something seems to good to be true it usually is.

Real life ended up hitting hard for the Disney Coast to Coast Challenge training season. I began a new job in June right around the same time training started, and things at work started picking up around the same time as my training mileage. I had more miles and less time to do them. Traveling for work also became a thing. I tried doing the best I could on hotel treadmills, but found some treadmills were definitely more magical than others. I had to consistently re-evaluate priorities to keep the focus on a healthy mind to handle the competing pressures on my time. Some days, running just wasn't an option and that was "OK". It was a hard shift to that mentality though coming off my previous Dopey Training season where I had only missed two training runs.

When my training plan called for a 4 mile run on Saturday paired with a 13 run on Sunday, this is where my training was almost derailed. What seemed like an opportunity to earn a bonus medal, ended up costing more than I had planned to pay. I signed up for a local half marathon to complete my 13 training miles, planning to take it nice and slow. Did I take it slow once I was out there with all the amazing and adrenaline filled runners? Of course not! I went out too hard and it ended up being A LOT hotter than expected. I didn't fuel properly and didn't pace myself right, and actually think I hit the dreaded wall at mile 12. While I got the miles done, it didn't feel like a win; however, it was a good reminder of the importance to pace yourself, fuel properly, and if you hit the wall just focus on putting one foot in front of the other.

My confidence and motivation were the first hits I took post race, followed by a couple different rounds of seasonally type illnesses shared with me by my most adorable and amazing toddlers ever. I pretty much lost the month of October for training. My training plan was off rails, but it definitely happens. I know you have to give yourself grace and accept setbacks will inevitably happen, but that doesn't mean it's easy.

What a drag I know, and thus why it's important to have a great support system when you do hard things. Enter my sister, the super hero in running shoes, who had decided it was time to start joint training in preparation for our races. She encouraged me to re-focus and get back on track. She added that accountability factor I really needed to feel I wasn't in it alone even though the effort still had to be all me. While she didn't run all the Goofy miles, she's only a Half Dumbo after all, she would run the first 1/2 of the training miles with me. That was all that was needed to get me out the door and my feet could do the rest without my brain interfering too much. Running with someone always helps the miles fly by especially when you are talking and laughing. Mom life makes it hard to carve out sister time. Running with my sister helps me take care of myself and stay connected to my best friend at the same time. Efficiency at its finest.

I took a look at the remaining miles on my training plan, made adjustments, and reduced my final long runs down to 20 and 22 from 23 and 26. We also made another alteration to include a dumbo simulation the weekend following my last big long run. It turned out to be a great decision, and let both of us go into the first weekend feeling confident not only could we complete it, but we would have something left for weekend two. Staying flexible and keeping the end goal in mind got us through a tough training season.

As the saying goes, what doesn't kill you makes the outcome more magical!

Next up: Weekend 1 arrival in Orlando, Fl.

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